
The software is downloaded as an executable .jar file (click on the GitHub link below to download). Being a Java application, the software is OS independent and will run on any platform (Windows, Linux, etc.) with Java installed.

You may find the following papers useful as a guide to the despiking functionality of the software. If you find the software useful for research purposes, please consider referencing these papers in any publications, thank you:

Novel software developments for the automated post-processing of high volumes of velocity time-series.
Jesson, M.A., Bridgeman, J. and Sterling, M., 2015. Advances in Engineering Software, 89, pp.36-42. doi:10.1016/j.advengsoft.2015.06.007.

Despiking velocity time-series - Optimisation through the combination of spike detection and replacement methods.
Jesson, M., Sterling, M. and Bridgeman, J., 2013. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 30, pp.45-51. doi:10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2013.01.007. Accepted version available.

The latest version (v1.5.65) can be downloaded from GitHub. The main changes for this version are:

Fixed scaling bug for Nortek Vector instruments.

Please read the release notes for information on previous versions.

Source code is also available.

Notice of any updates will appear in the "About" box which appears when the VSA starts. Updates are not automatic - please return to this site to download new versions.

A user guide is provided here. Though incomplete, it should provide sufficient information to allow use of the software, and much of the functionality should be self-explanatory.

Please Note

This software is released in the hope that it will be useful to other users of Nortek ADVs or other devices with compatible outputs. It is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3. Please follow the link for formal licencing information, but note that this software comes with no warranty (having said that, it is designed to only read from the original data files, not write to them, so your data should be safe!).


For more information about the software, please contact:
Feedback is welcomed - please let me know if you find the software useful or have any problems with it.